Part No | Cage Code |
3MV86181-0003 | T0544 |
NSN is an abbreviation for Nato Stock Number. This 13-digit code, known as the NATO Stock Number or the National Stock Number in the United States, is recognized as a standard by all NATO member countries.
The first 4 digits of these codes are defined as FSC (Federal Supply Classification) code or NSCG (National Supply Classification Group) code. The remaining 9 digits are NIIN (National Item Identification Number).
We created our product catalog by adhering to this definition for ease of search. In this way, the products in our catalog can be searched according to the Nato Stock Number (NSN), the National Item Identification Number (NIIN) or the Part Numbers of both us and other manufacturers by using the search menu at the top right.
If there is no NSN number, you can type the alternative stock code in the form section. If the alternative stock code is not defined, you can type “UNDEFINED”.
If you do not know the part number or cage code, fill it in (xxxx). When we contact you and have detailed information about the part, we can help you in this regard.
Alternative stock code is the stock code used for products for which NSN is not defined.
We’ll get back to you shortly after filling out the form.
NAMRO was designed to play a leading role in the aerospace industry. As an independent repair facility, we offer our customers a wide range of aerospace services, including sales, repair, overhaul, modification, and production. We also provide quality engineering support to our customers.
Our operator-approved capabilities make us the main supplier to many fixed and rotary-wing operators worldwide. Our company serves a variety of aerospace systems, including navigation, communication, flight recorders, cockpit audio recorders, instruments, and test equipment.
Our team of technicians, trained by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), is dedicated to providing the highest level of service to our customers. NAMRO is committed to always providing quality service to our visitors who are in pursuit of excellence in aerospace services. Contact us today to experience the NAMRO difference.
NAMRO is an organization that carries out Maintenance / Repair and Production activities in order to meet the needs of all institutions and organizations in the defense industry, and then serves end-users within the scope of these activities.